Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Which Color Describe Japan Precisely? ~side R~

Which Color Describe Japan Precisely? ~side R~
Color Red in Japan History.

Nature provide different kind of color, even Red. There are many kind of Red Color for Japanese, like Madder, Safflower, Ruby-Red, Cinnabar, Sappan are for instance. Every kind of color red have their own name and respected for their own unique aspect. How Japanese confirm their gratitude and respect for these colors of red? And how they apply ot in their daily life?
In Januari 1998, archaeologist discovered 33 mirrors in ancient cemetery named Kurotsuka Tumulus in Tenri, Nara province. Experts provide that these mirrors was made by Wei kingdom in China. Well, maybe(in my opinion) it happened that Cao Cao, the emperor of Wei Kingdom give it to Yamato’s Princess as token of compassion and love, aa some dramatic image come up to my mind. Hehehe ?. This discovery have been host to fit the debate about the location of ancient kingdom japan, Yamato. This is the most mysterious enigmatic riddle in Japan history. In this cemetery, also have been found swords, which it wield have been cover with silk colored of bright red. This red colored silk, remind me of Wei Kingdom History which have been written in China in 3rd century. And most interesting part that Journal About People of Wa. People of Wa is what Chinese called Japanese that day. In part have been written that People of Wa, they crop rice and seeds, and also cultivated Rhimes trees and Berries. They have silk puppa and silk produce. And they colored some part of their bodies with color red, using element like Cinnabar or red oxidation red from chrome. Similar to Chinese which using powder as a cosmetic. This ancient journal told about 2 mineral which used as a base to make color red. In dawn of Jomon Periode, Japanese ancestors have been used red pigment from Cinnabar (Mercury Sulfide) and Red Oaker (Ferrum Oxide). These red handcraft colored red cinnabar have been discovered in collapse ancient Torihama in Mikata, Fukui Province.
Red have been well-respected around the world. We human civilized always amazed when the color red. In the discovery of Color red. Japanese make their journey through valleys and mountains. And when they pass cliff, they noticed Cinnabar which covered the surface of cliff. The pure color of red have draw Japanese attention. Then they began their excavation and turn it to powder. Then make some color pigment from it. Using it for coated some object. Firstly, they only applied the color of red only for object possession for God ritual, or Demon exorcistment. Then as time goes by, Japanese began to cultivate rice. And start growed the agraris form of japan. Then this is the foundation for the great kingdom of Yamato. Then the establishment and structure developed to form capital city. And the gathering with Chinese extend the civilization more. Horyuji Temple in Ikaruga, nara Province, there is main hall and 5 stairs Pagoda, which still stand still after centuries. And UNESCO stated it as World Legacy Place. It’s wall and rooftops was covered with bright red color or flamming red. And the other temple which same ages anciently, is Todaiji Temple, stated in Heikyojo, also in Nara Province, which is the capital city of japan in 8th century. And also placed in Todaiji temple, Shosoin. An old room which housed many of garments from over 1.200 years ago. Most of it are colored with red. And which favored by Japanese are processed from Safflower. These Safflower Red was very popular among Heian’s Lady in Court. Many of their junihitoe was colored with red. And named their red with kakurenai (dark, exotic red), imayoiro and ikkon-zome. And they also apllied the Safflower red for their lips coated and cheek blush-on, well maybe Shu Uemura or Kanebo Kate were expensive to get those day, hehehe ?. Even they love redto bright their layered junihitoe, but didn’t mean they like it too much. They like to shade color red, with layer it with garment shade white,. So it gave effect which called sakura-gasane, pretty popular especially when it come spring in early April. When the time of O Hanami Festival. Well, they also have rule to wear garment which colors were similar to color of the seasons. Just like the way I said earlier, that Japanese heart to blend theirselves among the nature. To make disappear, not dissimilar. Then also, these color red was only right for the people of Royal Court. The common people of Japan that time only allowed to wear garment with dark colored, as black, grey and brown. But after few decades, when reached time to Edo Periode. Time when it was dawn of people civilize their prosperity and knowledge about their existence. Japanese common people start to conservative from their wardrobe, like start using color of red, eventough only hiding it under dark layered. Thus, when they slipped or moved the red layered garment was naughty winked at you. This what Japanese called with Ura-masari effect. But present, there is no difference in having what color what Japanese, Royal or common used. Red or Purple, you can have it as you like it. Freedom!

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